Monday, February 25, 2008

Today's Church

As a Catholic musician, it is extremely difficult for me to understand and comprehend some of the things that are being done "to" liturgical music in today's Church. I use the word "to" specifically in this case, because of the atrocious attacks which true liturgical music has undergone. This, of course, as have so many things is accomplished in the "spirit" of Vatican II. I have realized the crossroads which the musical options of today's American church by looking at one of the most frequently used hymnals and noting that one of the authors of the music is Martin Luther. Now, are that not enough available Catholic hymns without having to turn to Martin Luther to help fill our hymnal. Folk masses are everywhere you turn, Latin is unacceptable for the liturgical hymns and and Agnus Dei, sung as Agnus Dei is unthinkable. It saddens me, but this is the situation of music in the Church today. This forum is for Catholics who may have thoughts or comments concerning this epidemic. I encourage discussion of all opinions and will just post various thoughts of mine concerning the Church in today's world.

1 comment:

Joe of St. Thérèse said...

I voice those same concerns!

I was a member of a choir. All contemprary not so Catholic Hymns.

The Catholic Music is apart of our identity.

I had discussion with a friend of mine about that very song that you referenced, I said that the song didn't belong, he said it did.

I basically told him, if we're not singing as Catholics what we believe, who are we to expect others to believe?